Physical Therapist
Dr. Patty specializes in sorting out complex presentations of symptomatic hypermobility with her background of physical therapy, athletic training, hand therapy, energy medicine, functional medicine, and herbalism. She is currently back in school for her PhD in Integrative Medicine. She works with the EDS Society ECHO program educating allied health professionals and has created educational content for medical providers on multiple platforms. Recently, she has coauthored a book with Heather Purdin to begin to expand the knowledge of physical therapists, has previous journal publications and future ones in the works all within the context of symptomatic hypermobility. She will be presenting again on multiple topics at the upcoming Global Learning Conference.
This episode centers around unveiling 'Taming the Zebra', a book co-authored by physical therapists, Dr. Patty Stott and Heather Purdin. The book aims to fill a void in understanding and provide therapists with the knowledge to effectively work with patients …