Connnective Tissue Disorder Episodes

Oct. 20, 2022

53. Creating a New Hypermobility Screening Tool with Aiko Callahan, D…

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss a new hypermobility screening tool with guests, Aiko Callahan, DPT, and Stephanie Greenspan, DPT. Hypermobility is far more prevalent in dancers, circus performers and other ae...

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Sept. 22, 2022

52. Unlocking Jaw Pain with Leslie Russek, DPT, PhD

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss jaw pain in EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Leslie Russek, DPT, PhD. Jaw pain affects a relatively large percentage of the general population, but i...

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Sept. 8, 2022

51. Moving Fearlessly with Jeannie DiBon

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss moving with EDS hypermobility & laxity with guest, Jeannie DiBon. Hypermobile athletes and artists are often excellent movers - until they hit “the wall”. Sometimes you hit a p...

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May 26, 2022

50. Pushing Limits with Jen Crane, DPT

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss circus athletes with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Jen Crane, DPT. As a physical therapist for circus artists and dancers, Dr. Jen Crane regularly...

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May 12, 2022

49. Pioneering a Path with Bonnie Moore Southgate

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we talk with Bonnie Moore Southgate., a professional ballerina with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility. As an elite ballet dancer, Bonnie Moore Southgate danced as a soloist ...

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April 28, 2022

48. Supporting the Foot and Ankle with Andrea Zujko, DPT

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss foot pain in EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Andrea Zujko, DPT, with a focus on dancers. Hypermobility can help the artist create aesthetically plea...

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April 14, 2022

47. Exploring the Link between Joint Hypermobility and Neurodivergenc…

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss the relationship between hypermobility, autism ADHD and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) with guest, Jessica Eccles, MRCPsych, PhD. Evidence shows that neurodivergency occurs at a...

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March 17, 2022

46. Fueling Against Fatigue with Kristin Koskinen, RDN

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss fatigue food and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) with guest, Kristin Koskinen RDN, with a special focus on dancers. People with hypermobility often struggle with fatigue. They w...

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May 13, 2021

33. Conquering the Wall: A Round Table Discussion

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss dance athletics and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) with guests, Marimba Gold-Watts, Mariana J. Plick, Kyle Thompson, and Cailey Brandon. Whether you have a connective tissue dis...

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April 22, 2021

32. Embracing Neurodivergency with Jessica Eccles, MD

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss the relationship between being neurodivergent hypermobility and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) with guest, Jessica Eccles, MRCPsych, PhD. Neurodivergency occurs at a much higher...

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Jan. 28, 2021

26. Balancing Seasonal Fueling Patterns with Kristin Koskinen, RDN

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss food for EDS dancers (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Kristin Koskinen, RDN. Do you love a fresh start? Have you ever made a new year's resolution and th...

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July 17, 2020

13. Healing the Brain Holistically with Ilene Ruhoy M.D., Ph.D.

Many conditions found in "bendy" people have a neurologic basis, impacting both the brain and nervous system. In this Bendy Bodies episode, Dr. Ilene Ruhoy, the Medical Director and Founder of the Center for Healing Neurology...

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May 15, 2020

9. Educating the Dance Community with Lisa Howell

Dancing with a hypermobile body brings its own set of challenges, from a general lack of stability to a slower recovery time. As a young pre-professional, a dancer might not understand why she must find conscious strength bef...

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April 29, 2020

8. Demystifying Genetics with Paldeep Atwal, M.D.

Your DNA holds many secrets. Why do drugs work on some people and not on others? Why are conditions expressed so differently in different family members? How might hypermobility disorders, dysautonomia (like POTS) and Mast...

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April 12, 2020

6. Minding the Mental Health Gap with Kathleen McGuire Gaines

Traits that can make a dancer so valuable in the dance world - drive, perfectionism, obsessing over details - also put them at higher risk for mental health disorders. And while physical health resources become ever more comm...

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