Headaches and migraines are common in many chronic illnesses, and people with hypermobility often struggle with chronic head pain for a variety of reasons. But what is the difference between migraine and other types of headac...
Life with multiple chronic illnesses is physically and mentally challenging. Feelings of exhaustion and emotional fatigue crowd in with physical symptoms and can be overwhelming in your daily life. How do you find balance? Ho...
For most artistic athletes, competition is a part of life. Whether you’re a dancer, skater, gymnast, or cheerleader chances are you’re competing at some point. Competitions can be grueling, multi-day events consisting of 14-h...
Hypermobility disorders can lead to health complications that may require surgery. Joint hypermobility and associated conditions can present complications for surgery, anesthesia, and more. If you’re anticipating surgery, ...
As the weather changes and schedules become busier, staying healthy can feel like a huge challenge. Artistic athletes may struggle to keep their bodies at optimal performance level, and fighting off infectious illnesses may s...
Mast cell disorders are prevalent in the hypermobile population, but can often go undiagnosed. Persistent pain can be initiated and perpetuated by mast cells, which have also been referred to as “gatekeepers of pain”. How c...
In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss fatigue food and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) with guest, Kristin Koskinen RDN, with a special focus on dancers. People with hypermobility often struggle with fatigue. They w...
In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss food for EDS dancers (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Kristin Koskinen, RDN. Do you love a fresh start? Have you ever made a new year's resolution and th...
Many conditions found in "bendy" people have a neurologic basis, impacting both the brain and nervous system. In this Bendy Bodies episode, Dr. Ilene Ruhoy, the Medical Director and Founder of the Center for Healing Neurology...
While many dancers strive to fuel healthily, making the most out of your meals can be overwhelming. In today’s world especially, dancers need strong immune systems and healthy bodies ready for whatever challenge may come next...