Movement & Physical Therapy Episodes

Jan. 12, 2023

59. Preparing for Competitions: A Round Table with Kristin Koskinen R…

For most artistic athletes, competition is a part of life. Whether you’re a dancer, skater, gymnast, or cheerleader chances are you’re competing at some point. Competitions can be grueling, multi-day events consisting of 14-h...

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Oct. 20, 2022

53. Creating a New Hypermobility Screening Tool with Aiko Callahan, D…

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss a new hypermobility screening tool with guests, Aiko Callahan, DPT, and Stephanie Greenspan, DPT. Hypermobility is far more prevalent in dancers, circus performers and other ae...

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Sept. 22, 2022

52. Unlocking Jaw Pain with Leslie Russek, DPT, PhD

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss jaw pain in EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Leslie Russek, DPT, PhD. Jaw pain affects a relatively large percentage of the general population, but i...

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Sept. 8, 2022

51. Moving Fearlessly with Jeannie DiBon

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss moving with EDS hypermobility & laxity with guest, Jeannie DiBon. Hypermobile athletes and artists are often excellent movers - until they hit “the wall”. Sometimes you hit a p...

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May 26, 2022

50. Pushing Limits with Jen Crane, DPT

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss circus athletes with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Jen Crane, DPT. As a physical therapist for circus artists and dancers, Dr. Jen Crane regularly...

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May 12, 2022

49. Pioneering a Path with Bonnie Moore Southgate

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we talk with Bonnie Moore Southgate., a professional ballerina with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility. As an elite ballet dancer, Bonnie Moore Southgate danced as a soloist ...

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April 28, 2022

48. Supporting the Foot and Ankle with Andrea Zujko, DPT

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss foot pain in EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) and hypermobility with guest, Andrea Zujko, DPT, with a focus on dancers. Hypermobility can help the artist create aesthetically plea...

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May 13, 2021

33. Conquering the Wall: A Round Table Discussion

In this Bendy Bodies podcast episode, we discuss dance athletics and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes) with guests, Marimba Gold-Watts, Mariana J. Plick, Kyle Thompson, and Cailey Brandon. Whether you have a connective tissue dis...

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May 15, 2020

9. Educating the Dance Community with Lisa Howell

Dancing with a hypermobile body brings its own set of challenges, from a general lack of stability to a slower recovery time. As a young pre-professional, a dancer might not understand why she must find conscious strength bef...

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March 5, 2020

2. Ensuring Longevity: Screening, Strengthening and Supporting, with …

In this continuation of our discussion with Moira McCormack, we delve deeper into Moira’s work as a researcher and tireless advocate for dance science and medicine in the studio setting. Moira talks through the basic screenin...

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Feb. 26, 2020

Reducing Injury and Increasing Education with Royal Ballet Physiother…

Moira’s tireless work with Royal Ballet and the Royal Ballet school have helped build the Royal Ballet into an oft-emulated model of treatment and intervention for ballet dancers. Join us as Moira describes how important a dancer’s early training is - movement patterns, alignment, biomechanics -…

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